Hair loss In Men - Best Hair Growth Oils
Summary of Hair Loss in Men - Advantage of Best Hair Growth Oils
Hair loss affects many hairs fall, it is estimated that at
age 50 about 50% of men suffer from incipient or advanced baldness.
Hair loss can sometimes lead to a loss of self-confidence and cause real psychological suffering, especially in young men. To avoid hair loss use Best Hair Growth Oils.
Scalp Condition Impacts Hair Growth
Each hair has a particular structure and is anchored in the
scalp. Hair follows a life cycle which can vary from one hair to another and
from one individual to another.
Hair life cycle: during the first years (from 2 to 6 years)
the hair grows about 1 cm per month, this phase is called the growth phase,
then a transformation phase, which gives way to the next hair. and finally, a
rest phase during which the hair separates from the scalp and puts an end to
the life of a hair. This is why on a healthy scalp a person naturally loses an
average of 40 (sometimes less) to 100 hairs per day. In one year, it is
estimated that we lose 15,000 to 20,000 hairs. Therefore we speak of hair loss
when a man loses more than 100 hairs per day and over a long period (several
months).A simple way to know the number of hairs you lose per day is to count
them, for example in the morning after your shower on the floor, after having
passed the comb, the number which you find on your clothes then in your bed
(advice: choose white sheets to better distinguish them).If you arrive at more
than 100 hairs lost per day and this over several weeks then you must start, if
this poses an aesthetic or psychological problem (because losing your hair does
not pose any medical problem per se), to inform you. on the treatments
available to stop this loss. Hair loss infographic definition. Epidemiology
hair loss at the age of 50, around 50% of men suffer from incipient baldness
or, on the contrary, already advanced. Baldness appears in 80% of men under the
age of 70 [source:, March 2012]. Causes of hair loss Different causes
can explain hair loss: - Hormonal origin, hereditary (genetic causes), would
concern more than half of men. It is the main cause of baldness in men (75% of
cases of hair loss). It is estimated that there is an increase in
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp which makes the hair thin and eventually
fall out (the drug finasteride acts precisely by blocking the synthesis of this
hormone). Hormones and especially testosterone play a very important role because we know that castrated men do not lose their hair.- An intoxication-
Stress (proven by scientific studies of 2005: following a chain reaction that
results in the blocking of hair growth, which causes hair loss, because the
lost ones are not renewed).- A bad diet (lack of minerals, vitamins or trace
elements), in this case, prefer natural treatments (sprouted wheat, ...) to
fight against hair loss.- An allergy .- Dandruff.- The side effects of certain
drugs (for example anti-cancer drugs during chemotherapy, anti-hypertensives,
anti-cholesterol, isotretinoin in case of acne, etc.…).- Hyperthyroidism, this
disease-producing excess thyroid hormones can affect the quality of the hair loss
symptoms. The avant-garde or characteristic signs of hair loss are hair loss
symptom- The forehead which is balding as well as the temples (degree 1 of
baldness). - Crown or tonsure (degree 2 of baldness). - The appearance or
presence of dandruff. - A (too) oily scalp. - An allergic reaction.
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